A Bit of Thyme
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“Here’s what I know now: You are the only one capable of healing yourself. In fact there is no outside cure to healing. It all happens within. That being said, hiring a coach changed my life. You see it is crucial in healing, when you're doing the work and feeling stuck, when you've read all the books and gone to all the yoga classes, for someone outside of your circle to hold space for you or even a mirror. This brings on an accelerated growth process like you never imagined, which was the case in my experience with Alandra Michelle of A Bit of Thyme.

~ Christy M., 6 Month Mind Body Soul Healing Program

Mind Body Soul Healing Program

Nourishment creates healing, but the two come from so much more than the simple act of eating what’s on your plate. Nourishment comes from the air we breathe, the words we speak, the energy we soak in, the human beings we connect with, the things we feel, and the habits we create. Healing occurs when the quality of our nourishment supports us in a holistic way ~ a mind, body, and soul practice.

This program is designed to nourish your soul and empower intentional self-healing, by exploring what comes up for you in the moment, bringing goals you may have to the surface, and working through what might be keeping you from living your most aligned and healthy life.


What’s Included:

Specifically and holistically curated for you.

An intimate, bio-individual experience.

Bi-weekly 70 minute 1:1 coaching calls

  • in depth exploration of each element of your life - nutrition, relationships, family life, career, finances, education, physical activity, home environment, self-care, rest, & joy

  • SMART Goal setting

    • Specific (simple, sensible, significant)

    • Measurable (meaningful, motivating)

    • Achievable (agreed, attainable)

    • Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based)

    • Time bound (time-based, time limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive)

  • structure & accountability support - YOU are in control of your life

  • inner child & trauma/shadow work - connecting your trauma back to the state of your health, lifestyle patterns, & healing this integrated relationship

  • nutrition, herbal, and supplement support catered to you and your needs - recipes, meal plans, allergies/food intolerances, & integrative treatment plans, etc. included

  • sleep hygiene & support

  • embodiment tools & practices to regulate anxiety/stress

  • mindset shift

  • tools & practices to connect with intuitive/mindful eating

  • tools & practices to heal your relationship with your body & food

  • weekly support on Voxer (private messaging & voice memo communication)

  • free personalized & spontaneous gifts, discount codes, resources, & perks

3 Month & 6 Month commitment only


health coaching is for you, if you are:

~ seeking alignment

~ seeking healing

~ seeking empowerment

~ seeking a revitalization of your health

~ seeking freedom from your inner critic/shadow

~ in need of nutritional support

~ ready to live your truth

~ ready to step into your whole power


what Else you need to know:

~ This program is designed to be 3-6 months long, to allow you the time to explore and implement daily lifestyle practices.

~ This program is designed to be fun, uplifting, eye-opening, and transformational.

~ This program does not include pharmaceutical or supplement prescriptions. We may discuss options for you, to uncover what you feel you need for optimal healing, but, any and all prescriptions must be given and taken under the guide of a Western medicine doctor, functional/integrative medicine doctor, naturopathic doctor, psychiatrist, or acupuncturist.

~ Humxn beings of all shapes, sizes, colors, genders, pronouns, sexual orientation, religious/spiritual upbringing, cultures, and places of origin are welcome.