Now, I knew the Elemental Diet would be a challenge. I knew I would starve, I knew it would taste horrible, and I knew it would affect me mentally and emotionally, in some way, shape, or form. But what I didn’t expect, was the combination of symptoms I would feel. It seemed to come on slowly, then all of a sudden, it hit me all at once; back pain, muscle pain, diarrhea, nausea, headaches, drowsiness, lightheadedness, brain fog, extreme exhaustion, and bone pain, were all within my list of symptoms. Every. Single. Day.
I spent Thanksgiving and my 25th birthday like this, eighteen days to be exact. I didn’t walk much or do anything at all during this time. I went straight from my bed to the couch, I refrained from leaving the house at all, and sometimes I skipped showers. Showers made me feel even more lightheaded, weak, and often led me to nearly collapse. Each day I felt bouts of excruciating pain and illness. I spent most of my days in tears, hysterically grieving over my illness and trying my best to breathe through the pain I was in. I developed foggy, blurry vision, and slurred my words as if I was wasted on alcohol. I found it incredibly difficult to hold simple conversations, and my attention span was limited.
About two weeks into the Elemental Diet, my body began going into anorexic shock. I dropped down to 90 lbs, my hip bones jet out of my skin, I lost the color in my face, I shed handfuls of hair, several times a day, and my cheeks sank into my skull, as the circles under my eyes caved in, turning into a grey-blue. My teeth eventually became too big for my face, my clothing fell off of my body, the bones in my feet cracked beneath my weight, I lost my ability to walk for periods of time that were longer than five minutes, and I shivered in a frantic, cold, frenzy. Because I had gone into anorexic shock, we stopped treatment a few days early, and began reintroducing food back into my body. This was even more challenging than the Elemental Diet itself, because my body immediately rejected any snippets of food I gave it. I took this process one day at a time, starting with 1/4 cup of bone broth or 1/4 cup of pureed butternut squash, regurgitating anything I ate, leaving me feeling more hopeless and in pain than ever. After taking baby steps, day by day, it took me about two weeks until I was able to eat a small meal, consisting of “solid,” overcooked and/or pureed food.
Immediately following treatment, we tested for SIBO. My numbers had gone down from being in the 120 range, to now being in the 10-20 range, which was a major milestone! Although it was the most difficult treatment I’ve ever been through, I’m thankful today for the healing process that came with it.