Something New

I’ve thought about doing something like this for a while. A journal of some sort, a dedicated space for my thoughts and experiences to live, where others can stay and read if they wish.

Last year, while I was in the depths of my healing process, I didn’t know what the appropriate outlet was, for me. At the time, I didn’t have a blog or a space to really share my thoughts or experiences, except for my personal Instagram account. But this grew to be overwhelming at times, and often overbearing.

After launching A Bit of Thyme, and getting to know my audience and my own mission with the blog, I have found the space for my thoughts and experiences to live. A place that I hope will invite others to share or simply feel a little less isolated and alone.

So, welcome to my journal. A space where you will hear a bit of the old and a bit of the new. You’ll be invited into all of my seasons. You’ll hear a little more about my thoughts and feelings, that I’m sure I share with many of you. So, grab an iced turmeric coffee, or maybe a ginger tea, and make yourself at home.

Alandra ChavarriaComment